Celebrity Forum - 100% sexy e made in Italy Il forum delle celebrità.

Hincha de Boca Jrs.

  • Messaggi
    Damage Inc.
    Post: 1
    Post: 1
    Registrato il: 08/07/2003
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 08/07/2003 07:26
    Gracias a links amigos, llegué a este foro. y como me encantan las minas italianas, me suscribí.

    Para que me conozcan, les digo que hago videos y capturas de mujeres argentinas en el mejor foro de Argentina
    Espero que les gusten mis videos !

    Un abrazo y pronto empiezo a poner mi material

    Como no hablo casi nada de italiano, mis post serán en inglés...o como prefieran ustedes.

    Trough some links I arrived to your forum. I love italian women.

    I make my own videos & captures of argentiniam women. So I will post some material here, if you like.
    Hope you like my vids!!
    I don't speak much italian, so I'll post in english (unless you want me to do it in spanish)

    Saludos (Bye)

    Post: 4.936
    Post: 3.484
    Registrato il: 01/11/2002
    Città: ISCHIA
    Età: 39
    Sesso: Maschile
    Celebrity Forum Staff
    00 08/07/2003 10:04
    Hola! [SM=x49710] [SM=x49743]
    Post: 242
    Post: 220
    Registrato il: 27/04/2003
    Città: IMPERIA
    Età: 36
    Sesso: Maschile
    Magazine Staff
    00 08/07/2003 11:28

    Scritto da: Damage Inc. 08/07/2003 7.26
    Gracias a links amigos, llegué a este foro. y como me encantan las minas italianas, me suscribí.

    Para que me conozcan, les digo que hago videos y capturas de mujeres argentinas en el mejor foro de Argentina
    Espero que les gusten mis videos !

    Un abrazo y pronto empiezo a poner mi material

    Como no hablo casi nada de italiano, mis post serán en inglés...o como prefieran ustedes.

    Trough some links I arrived to your forum. I love italian women.

    I make my own videos & captures of argentiniam women. So I will post some material here, if you like.
    Hope you like my vids!!
    I don't speak much italian, so I'll post in english (unless you want me to do it in spanish)

    Saludos (Bye)

    In this forum there are the "pampitologi": people who like pampita...i like ruth artaega....and many others argentina woman
    You can see that your post are very important for us
    [SM=x49709] [SM=x49709] [SM=x49709] [SM=x49709]
    (sorry for my macceronic [SM=x49696] english)
    Post: 1.828
    Post: 1.813
    Registrato il: 07/04/2002
    Sesso: Maschile
    Senatore a vita
    00 08/07/2003 23:23
    BIENVENIDO! [SM=x49707]
    We know your works in Italy too, we're glad that you came here to post your movies in our board! Salu2! [SM=x49714] [SM=x49710]