00 02/01/2009 03:40
[POSTQUOTE][QUOTE:12006744=Diablito, 30/04/2003 14:02]Welcome to our Forum. [SM=x49707]
To access the other sections, you only need to write a message in this area. You can create a new thread (nuova discussione) or you can answer to a previous one (rispondi), it doesn't matter.
Don't forget to enable the cookies in your browser (set "medium" as protection level in your Internet Explorer settings) and check "salva nei cookies" when you login to the forum, so you won't need to sign in anytime you connect here.

[G]General info:[/G]
- This forum is free, you only have to register and post at least a message in the "presentazioni" section to access. Registration is free and it doesn't involve anything
- You have to respect the other users and celebrities who are named in the threads.
- Don't use offensive language in your post, sentences like "what a slut..." or similar are not allowed.
What you [S]CAN[/S] post:[/G]
Everything about italian and international celebrities.
You can post scans, caps, composers, videos or made by yourselvese or by other people but [S]PLEASE POST IN THE RIGHT SECTION[/S]!
Before posting a new thread, please be sure that there is not any other (recent) one about the same subject. If there is an older one reply to this without opening a new one.

[G]What you [S]CAN'T[/S] post[/G]
- Fakes
- Amateurs images or videos
- Images or videos of minors or underage
- Hard Core images or videos.
- Playboy images or videos.
- Political discussions, even in the "no limits" section

Whoever does not respect this rules will receive a warning, then if he will insist HE WILL BE BANNED.

The abuse of this forum as advertising for your site or for spamming [S]is forbidden[/S]. Every thread that seems to be only an advertising will be deleted or modificated because the goal of this forum is the sharing of images, videos and everything users want to share, not a way for someone to get money with something that was born as an hobby of the founders. Anyone who doesn't respect these rules will receive a warning, then if he will repeat his behavior [S]HE WILL BE BANNED[/S].
It's allowed to insert your web adress in your signature, but please notice that [S][G]no html nor forum code are enabled[/G][/S] in the signature.

[G][S]No hotlinks[/S] to videos or big size images allowed[/G], it's highly recommended to upload images that you want to post here in a free web space (you can have one subscriving a free account, like [URL]http://www.altervista.org/[=URL]Altervista[/URL] or [URL]http://superdrive.supereva.it/[=URL]supereva[/URL]), and to make thumbnails to post them on this forum... to insert linked thumbnails in this forum use this code removing the "*":

[*URL]Url (adress) of the fullsize image[*=URL][*IMG]thumbnail Url[*/IMG][*/URL]

Have a good time with us! [SM=x49710]

The staff

PS: Soon we'll add a short tutorial in english and the translation of this post in french and spanish [SM=x49698]

You should post in english or italian language... here you find an automatic traslator to help you:

<table width="100%" border="0"> <tr> <td><FORM ACTION=http://jump.altavista.com/searchbox4.go name=mfrm> <input type=hidden name=doit value=done> <table width="192" border="2" bordercolor="#000066"> <tr> <td><div align="center"><strong>Script downloaded from <a href=http://www.altavista.com>Altavista</a> edited for <a href="http://www.freeforumzone.com/viewforum.aspx?f=3207" target="_blank">Celebrity Forum</a> by HempCap<a href="http://www.HempCap.tk"> www.HempCap.tk</a></strong></div></td> </tr> </table> <tr> <td colspan=2><img src=http://uplodadaltuohd.altervista.org/Bfishheading.gif width=192 height=20><br> <font size=2 face=arial,helvetica,sans-serif><strong>Digita o incolla il testo o l'indirizzo della pagina web</strong></font><br> <textarea cols=30 rows=3 name=urltext></textarea> <font color="#000000"><font face=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif size=2 color=#000000><small><strong><br>Traduci da:</strong></small></font></font> </td> </tr> </font> <tr> <td colspan=2><font face=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif size=2 color=#000000><small><br> </small></font> <font color="#000000"> <select name=lp>");document.write(" <option value=it_en>Italiano a Inglese <option value=es_en>Spagnolo a Inglese <option value=fr_en>Francese a Inglese <option value=de_en>Tedesco a Inglese <option value=en_it>Inglese a Italiano <option value=en_es>Inglese a Spagnolo <option value=en_it>Inglese a Italiano <option value=en_fr>Inglese a Francese <option value=en_de>Inglese a Tedesco </select> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td><font color="#000000"> <input type=submit value=Traduzione style=font-family:sans-serif;font-weight:bold;cursor:hand;margin-bottom:-1px;width:85px;> </font></td></form></td> </tr></table>

<p><font class='xsmall'>[<i>Modificato da Diablito 05/04/2004&nbsp;16.57</i>]</font></p>[/QUOTE][/POSTQUOTE]